Meet Vanessa Errecarte
Vanessa Errecarte is one of the top marketing consultants in Northern California with two decades of experience helping businesses reach their growth goals. Unique in her commitment and ability to create and customize campaigns for small to medium businesses and non-profits, she enables them to be competitive in a world often dominated by organizations with large marketing staff and budgets. As the CEO of Marketing Simplified, she has worked with businesses in the service, consulting, construction, real estate, hospitality and retail industries, and not-for-profit groups ranging from grassroots organizations to academic divisions within universities.
Vanessa is also a lecturer at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management. Blending an extensive academic background in business and strategic communication with her real-world experience, Errecarte brings into the classroom an enthusiasm for instructing students on techniques for using digital and content marketing to reach, inform, engage and convert customers. She teaches Strategic Branding, Digital Marketing, and Personal Branding. She also has helped hundreds of CEOs, managing and executive directors, and marketing professionals significantly increase their bottom line by establishing a robust, customer-focused digital presence through her corporate training programs.