Are you tired of ads screaming, “We’re the best, and here’s why!”? Your audience is too.
And in today’s world of endless digital noise, it’s no wonder these self-focused messages get lost.
So let’s pivot. Marketers, it’s time to shift the focus to your consumers. Here’s why:
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a video explaining the difference between your offer and your product. Your offer isn’t about you; it’s about the transformation your customer seeks.
Let’s take fitness as an example:
Say you’re selling a workout program. You might be tempted to shout, “I’ve helped thousands of clients reach their goals!” But we’ve all heard that before. Instead, what if you said:
“I’ve noticed people who treat fitness as a lifestyle—not a quick fix—are the ones who succeed. That’s why I start by learning about your lifestyle and how you already move. Together, we’ll figure out how to take it to the next level.”
See the difference? The message shifts to focus on the customer. The expertise is still there, but now it’s about their journey.
Here’s the key takeaway: your product or service is a tool your customer uses to achieve their own success. Your message should empower them, not claim their achievement.
Nonprofit appeals provide a great example of this in action. Instead of saying, “Your year-end donation helps us fight hunger,” say:
“Your year-end donation fights hunger.”
Feel the difference?
This subtle shift puts the power in the donor’s hands, making them the hero of the story.
When you focus on the transformation your audience seeks, your message cuts through the noise and connects on a deeper level.
Let’s bring on those meaningful connections!