If you are good at darts, consider yourself rare. Most of us have never hit the bullseye. Even with ample practice, it’s a really tough thing to do. I think it’s because the whole theory of the game is backwards—keep throwing and hope you get better. There’s really no strategy or actionable steps to take to improve your game… how frustrating would if be if all sports were like that?
When it comes to online marketing, I see a lot of organizations play darts with content. They keep throwing it out there and hoping that something sticks, when there are simpler ways to apply strategy and improve results. If we could do that with darts, we all would win.
Today I’d like to challenge you to sell once a week online. That’s right… once a week I want you to make an ask. This might be for a donation, or a purchase, or a follow or a like. Whatever it is, I want you to get in the habit of asking once a week. It’s the 80/20 rule. On social media you should be “serving” 80% of the time and “converting” 20% of the time. Today, let’s convert.
What is your ask? If you want to start with a mini (or soft) ask, have people comment below a post why your product, service or mission has changed their life. If you want to get a little more direct and make a hard ask, let folks know what would really help your organization right now, and ask them to comment YES below your post if they are “in.” For example: “We could really use more takeout orders right now. Will you comment YES below if you plan to order takeout between now and the weekend?” It seems crazy, but just asking and requesting a response improves conversions by over 30%.
Let’s get started. Here’s your prompt: Will you do me a favor? Then follow that with your “ask.” The photo for this should be easy. You can either post a photo that represents your ask, OR post a picture of yourself pointing down (which will alert folks to comment below as your post asks).