Do you use AI to create content? Most marketers do. However, research from my colleagues at UC Davis highlights the risk of creativity loss when relying too heavily on AI.
Knowing these risks, I’m incredibly careful when I use AI (Note: I don’t always or often use it– I am still very choosey– and you should be, too). When I do use it, though, I’ve figured out two simple strategies that help me prevent creativity loss and produce engaging, authentic content:
1️⃣ Use AI as an Editor.
Write your first draft, then ask AI to refine it with specific prompts. For example:
“Please add clarity to the action items, edit for redundancy, and check for accuracy.”
This allows you to stay in control of where AI influences your content.
2️⃣ Structure Content in Six Parts.
Think of your content as a story: setting, problem, opportunity, choices, setbacks, and outcomes. Then, prompt AI to:
- Replace general details with vivid ones.
- Swap generic words for specific, impactful language.
Note: This still works best when you write your own draft first and ask for clarity or elaboration on one or more of the six parts.
Happy creating!