It’s Friday and if you remember the last two Fridays, we’ve focused on sending an email blast once a week. Today is no different… we are going to send an email, but you have more skills and content to share than you did when we started.
This week, I want you to share a link to the white paper you published on LinkedIn in your email. Please also include a link to your Facebook Live video, especially if you’ve posted it on YouTube and/or a blog. I’d also like you to use yesterday’s strategy to add keywords to your email content after you’ve written it as well. Then, don’t forget to remind folks to check their email via social media and invite folks who aren’t getting your emails to DM you and sign up for your list or opt into it via your website.
Wow. Look at everything you’ve learned and the sophisticated ways you are using it to amplify your digital marketing.
Have a great weekend and I will see you back on Monday for the last five days of tips. Can you believe how much you’ve accomplished?