It’s Halloween Eve and in my live video today I am giving you the history or Trick or Treating. Why? Because it relates to so well to how businesses go from push to pull marketing following my brand ascension pyramid (a fancy framework I made to teach people how to take their business from buzz to brand).
Tune in to hear all about those topics and how they relate to the concepts I am going to teach you about in November.
Also tune in to hear about my toddler costume dilemma…
Warning: It’s a windy day where I am at (20+ MPH winds) which makes the internet connection a bit spotty at times so please be patient with the fuzzy shots. We also have a little construction project going on so there is more background noise than usual. BUT– if I let all this stop me you wouldn’t get to find out:
- How Trick of Treating exemplifies going from buzz to brand.
- My toddler’s costume dilemma!
Thanks for stopping by!